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Thursday, April 29, 2010

USDA Cites University of Utah for AWA Violations

Geronimo Rubio here to bring you some "EXTREMELY" disturbing news. I don't know about you, but this completely "PISSES ME OFF". WTF, only 9 violations. From what I saw in the video they all should be crucified. Who do these MOTHERF*@#*s think they are. What kind of "MENTAL MIDGETS" would come to do something like this. I only know one thing. My prayers will be stronger and stronger everyday that this kind of thing will soon cease to exists and that every SON of a B*#@H that participates in this kind of cruel and "Down Right Life Destructive" behavior will suffer The Great Spirits Wrath and feel the pain and suffering that he has brought to each and every one of this poor, innocent animals. Read on and watch the video if you can stomach it:

This just in: In response to PETA's undercover investigation of animal experiments at the University of Utah (the U) and the complaint that we filed with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U has been cited for nine violations of federal animal protection laws, including the following:

  • Causing a kitten to die from dehydration
  • Keeping calves restrained for days at a time without the ability to properly stand up or walk
  • Failing to provide adequate pain relief to a monkey after surgery
  • Failing to properly treat injuries in pigs
  • Allowing extreme crowding in guinea pig cages
  • Socially isolating a monkey without approval and failing to provide him with proper environmental enrichment
  • Performing surgery on a rabbit's eyes without proper approval

Continue reading.
Prompted by complaints filed by PETA after our investigation, USDA representatives inspected the U and found exactly what our investigator had found: neglect, misery, and death in the animal laboratories. The school's response: Tom Parks, vice president of research, called these incidents of abuse and mistreatment "relatively minor offenses." Frightening, don't you think? Imagine if this remark had been made in reference to deaths and neglect in a nursery for human babies! Parks' casual attitude speaks volumes about exactly how animals are regarded by experimenters and others who have charge, custody, and oversight of animals in laboratories.
Of course, the USDA inspection does not include any incidents that we reported involving rats and mice because these animals are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act—the only federal law governing the treatment of animals in laboratories. Of course, rats and mice feel pain, fear, hunger, and thirst just as do all mammals, including humans.
While we follow up on the complaint that we filed with the National Institutes of Health, can we count on you, too, to get involved?
Posted by Karin Bennett

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Honeybees Are Still Dying, What can we do???

Well if we (and I mean all of us including me, Geronimo Rubio) can all send letters to our congressional leaders and make them aware of the problem at hand, read below...
Awakening Earth

From: Sandi (

Honeybees Are Still Dying

Thank You Solah Kamate!!

http: ​/​/​profile.​myspace.​com/​index.​cfm?​fuseaction=​user.​ viewprofile&​friendid=​376234021
Honeybees Are Still Dying
Honeybees Are Still Dying
Three years ago, honeybees started disappearing in the United States and other countries. Hives that had been thriving were suddenly found to be devoid of bees. The epidemic of catastrophic bee losses is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This last winter was the worst yet for beekeepers. From the San Francisco Chronicle—
In normal times, David Hackenberg would begin trucking his 20 million honeybees from the almond orchards of California to the orange groves of Florida this week.
Instead, after a month working the almond blossoms on the West Coast, his exhausted pollinators will get some rest and relaxation in the Georgia woods before the East Coast apple blossoms summon them to work once more next month.
These are not normal times for bees, or for commercial beekeepers, so Hackenberg's pollinators will skip the citrus gig to reduce their exposure to pesticides and get some rest. "Everybody is seeing (bee) losses this winter," said Hackenberg, of Lewisburg, Pa. "This was probably the worst year ever."
More than three years after beekeepers starting seeing the sudden disappearance of hive populations, scientists have yet to find the cause — let alone the fix — for a condition called colony collapse disorder (CCD). Meanwhile, the commercial beekeeping industry is struggling to provide pollination services to the nations' farmers. One-third of food crops rely on insect pollination.

I first wrote about this alarming situation in The Sixth Extinction.
Probably A. mellifera [the common honeybee] will not become extinct, at least in the foreseeable future, but that’s actually begging the question, isn’t it? If there were a single, remediable cause of the honeybee die-off, the question of possible extinction would lose much of its force. We need to know why honeybees are dying.
[We] ruled out many potential causes for CCD and found many possible contributing factors. But no single culprit has been identified.​Bees suffering from CCD tend to be infested with multiple pathogens, including a newly discovered virus, but these infections seem secondary or opportunistic much the way pneumonia kills a patient with AIDS. The picture now emerging is of a complex condition that can be triggered by different combinations of causes. There may be no easy remedy to CCD. It may require taking better care of the environment and making long-term changes to our beekeeping and agricultural practices.
Honeybees are dying of everything, just like AIDS sufferers with weakened immune systems. This points to environmental stress as the primary cause of the ongoing demise of A. mellifera. If we continue to degrade the environment, the stresses on bees will increase. This will further weaken the bees, which will result in more die-offs, which will increase the probability of extinction over time. Barring extinction, honeybee population declines could easily be severe enough to preclude industrial scale pollination for the various fruits and nuts we eat.
So far it has been impossible to pinpoint a single cause for CCD, which strengthens the hypothesis that general environmental stress has weakened the immune system of A. mellifera. An estimated one-third of American agricultural products depend on honeybee pollination. We are getting closer to the point where the number of bees left is inadequate to service this huge industry. We are now importing bees from Australia to make up the shortfall (see the video below).
After three years of research, scientists think the cause is not a single factor but a cocktail of maladies that together weaken and sicken the bees. "We know CCD bees get all the pathogens causing the symptoms; it doesn't leave answered what's the underlying cause," said Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Pennsylvania's acting state apiarist.
Environmental stress, including pesticides and the strain of being trucked across time zones and climates, may also be a factor. Poor nutrition may also contribute, a diet of corn syrup or the nutritionally inferior nectar or pollen of crops such as cranberry, cucumbers or melons.
"We have been losing bees and beekeepers in this country for 60 years, and now we are at the point where almost half the colonies in the country are needed to pollinate almonds in California," vanEngelsdorp said. "We are close to the margin" of a viable ratio of pollinators to crops, he said. "It's amazing to me how close we are to that line."
"Something is going wrong here," Hackenberg said.
Something is going wrong here. No kidding. Not all of our problems are financial or political, though you wouldn't know that from listening to the media. This video from Silence of the Bees (Nature, PBS) explains the potentially catastrophic problems we face as pollinators die off.

Since this 2007 report, things have only gotten worse for the bees. Now that our self-​congratulatory Congressmen are full of themselves—at least the Democrats are—because they actually managed to do something, let's see them "fix" this problem.

~Protect Wildlife from Effects of Climate Change~

We all have to do our part to keep Mother Earth and all creations upon Mother Earth safe. I, Geronimo Rubio will continue to bring you the latest news that I can as I receive it. May the Great Spirit always keep the Sun at your Back and the wind in your hair.

The Cosmic Egg
Portal of Heart
Awakening Earth
Butterfly Ascending


Mom=*Family First*


~Protect Wildlife from Effects of Climate Change~

Uphold the Clean Air Act to Protect Wildlife from

Climate Change

Hi Friends,

Arctic ice is melting, making it hard for polar bears to find food. Rising temperatures in rivers and streams is eliminating habitat for temperature-​​​​.​​​​.​​​​sensitive fish like salmon and trout. A changing climate is disrupting nature's balance between predators, like wolves, their prey and plant life endangering the future of millions of species.

While Congress delays addressing global warming and its serious consequences for people and animals, the Environmental Protection Agency has stepped in to regulate big polluters under the Clean Air Act.

But now, this crucial legislations is under attack. Demand Congress uphold the integrity and regulatory authority of the Clean Air Act »




For 40 years the Clean Air Act has cut pollution dangerous to humans and animals. Now, as the EPA prepares to regulate the carbon emissions from power plants and factories that fuel climate change, several members of Congress want to permanently disallow EPA regulation of greenhouse gases.

Join our friend at Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund and tell Congress to stick up for the Clean Air Act so we can protect people and animals from the devastating effects of global climate change »

Thanks for taking action!

Emily V.
Care2 and
ThePetitionSite Team

Mom=*Family First*

The Rainforest Site

Feed A Big Cat Bone


See All Bulletins Posted By Mom = *Family First*

Click Here ^ For Biogems

Please Sign To Protect Critically Endangered Snow Leopards

Here we go my friends, Geronimo Rubio asking for your help again to help preserve the lives of endangered animals all over the world. Thanks to all my MySpace friends for feeding me these messages.
Ms. Luna's Endangered Species Wake Up Call
♥ Katia ♥
♥~Cruelty-Free Beauty Bar~♥
Katia 4 Peace & Planet ♥
Thank you:

Tell your friends!
Starting this month, for every new eNews subscriber
the Kearsley Fund will donate $2 to help protect snow leopards.

Please help us spread the word
and increase awareness for these amazing cats.
We need 2,500 new subscribers.

Ask people to sign up,
and together we can raise $5,000
for snow leopard conservation!

APRIL 27, 2010

Sign Up for Email Updates :


Mom=*Family First*
~Save Our Wolves~Mom Two♥~Namaste'~
TIGER ~Namaste~
See All Bulletins Posted By Mom = *Family First*

The Rainforest Site

Feed A Big Cat Bone

Peace in 
the Water Ambassador

Click Here ^ For Biogems


**Please Repost**

Thank you!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Help Save this Precious WolfDog

"Geronimo Rubio asking for assistance to help save this Wolf Dog's Life".

From: joanie (

Oregon *URGENT* 13 mo old WOLFDOG beauty boy Needs HOME ASAP!!

Oregon~ Bear ****** URGENT**** 13 mo old mid content beauty boy Needs New Home


** For inquiries and an adoption application for Bear, please EMAIL RESCUER KIM: wolfangelrescue​@​ykwc.​net


he is in very secure 7' fencing...his mom will take care of him until his forever home is found....she doesn't want him to be passed around but to find that forever loving home....I told her it could take a little while because there are so many in urgent need but I have a feeling that as a mid and also young and beautiful, he may get placed sooner than later....but he definitely needs escape proof fencing...he is a pretty tall boy

** For inquiries and an adoption application for Bear, please EMAIL RESCUER KIM: wolfangelrescue​@​ ykwc.​net

Bear is a 13 mo old mid content beauty boy. Sadly, his mom is no longer able to keep him and has asked me to find him an awesome home where he will be loved as much as she loves him. Bear is house trained, leash trained, pretty social but a little shy to begin with....he is an awesome wolfdog who has been loved and well cared for and we are looking for a wonderful forever home where he will have a sweet girl wolfdog companion to play with. Bear is located in Oregon and will be neutered prior to adoption. For inquiries and an adoption application for Bear, please contact Kim at wolfangelrescue​@​ykwc. ​net


** For inquiries and an adoption application for Bear, please EMAIL RESCUER KIM: wolfangelrescue​@​ykwc.​net

This is a courtesy posting from Linda Jo/​WolfPawMountain​ (I am not the rescuer on this case, please contact rescuer listed above for more info ASAP)
Please join our Wolfdog Rescue site: http: ​/​/​wolfdogs.​ning.​com
*To help us REPOST our rescue bulletins to save Wolfdog/​Northern Breed lives…Please join our FaceBook & Myspace Reposters List:
Please email us to sign up: WolfPawMountain​ @​gmail.​com,​
or: kfcwolfkaren@​gmail.​com*​
**Thank you Petra Keim for making our rescue bulletin codes!
**What you are, will show in what you do**.
Thomas A. Edison
***Please check out these incredible *Adoptable Wolfdog* Rescue Sites***:
http: ​/​/​LakeTahoeWolfRe​scue.​com
http: ​/​/​SongDogRescue.​com
http: ​/​/​NightSongRescue​.​com
http: ​/​/​shywolfsanctuar​y.​com
http: ​/​/​Wolfdogs.​ning.​com
http: ​/​/​wolfcountry.​com/​Where_​Wolves_​Rescue/​
Please help save lives, shop here for your pet needs: http: ​/​/​stores.​ebay.​com/​Where-​Wolves-​Rescue

Many blessings and thank you for helping the helpless!! XO!

So Sad Owner died adorable Lab living on his own

"Geronimo Rubio Back Again with yet another lonely pet looking for love"

Westwood,NJ So Sad Owner died adorable Lab living on his own
Saturday, April 24, 2010 10:15 PM
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sheiser50@.. ​yahoo.​com

Contact: (201) 666-5444

A black lab mix named Texas living ALONE in a house in Emerson, NJ. He's still there. He's been courtesy listed on Petfinder so you can read his info and see his pics. His owner died months ago, and for whatever reason the son can't take him...but he's been going to the house a few times a day and letting him out and feeding him. Dogs are social animals, and living alone is horrible. He's a good looking, friendly dog and he's five years old. Please, everyone, try to send this to someone who you think might be able to help. He needs a foster home (that means a place to live until he gets permanently adopted) asap.

Thank you!

Here's his picture and info...please take a look and forward.
http:..​/..​ /..​www.​petfinde r... ​com/..​petdetail/​ 16123153

Texas (URGENT)!!!!
Black Labrador Retriever, Terrier [Mix]
Medium Adult Male Dog
Share on Twitter http:.. ​/..​/..​www...​facebook...​com/..​share...​php?..​u=..​http:..​/..​/..​ www...​petfinder...​com/..​petdetail/..​16123153
Click to see
full size
http:.. ​/..​/..​photocache...​petfinder...​com/..​fotos/..​NJ371/..​NJ371...​ 16123153-..​1-​x.​jpg http:.. ​/..​/..​photocache...​petfinder...​com/..​fotos/..​NJ371/..​NJ371...​ 16123153-..​2-​x.​jpg http:.. ​/..​/..​photocache...​petfinder...​com/..​fotos/..​NJ371/..​NJ371...​ 16123153-..​3-​x.​jpg
Black Labrador Retriever Picture
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More About Texas (URGENT)!!!!
4/2010 Poor Texas is living alone in the house he's lived in for five years now. Sadly, his guardian passed away in January and a family relative goes there 2-3 times a day to walk him, but this is not enough. No dog should be living alone most of the time. Dogs need love and attention more then this. Poor Tex is wondering where is guardian is? What happened to him? Why did he leave me all alone? We desperately need a foster home or permanent home for Texas asap. Texas is 5 years old, mostly black with some white on his chest. Texas is great with people, a real family dog, as Tex loved sleeping in bed with his guardian. Texas is a very happy dog when people come to see him, he's very sweet, loves to give hugs and kisses and is very playful. Texas loves kids just as much too and would make a great family dog.
Texas (URGENT)!!!! is up-to-date with routine shots, house trained and spayed/..​neutered.​
My Contact Info

* Caring About The Strays (C.A.T.S.) Inc.
* Westwood, NJ
* (201) 666-5444

* Email Caring About The Strays (C.A.T.S.) Inc.
* See more pets from Caring About The Strays (C.A.T.S.) Inc.
* Share on Facebook

http:.. ​/..​/..​photocache...​petfinder...​com/..​fotos/..​NJ371/..​NJ371...​ 16123153-..​1-​pn.​jpg

Black Labrador Retriever Picture

Save our Pets "Beautiful Paisley" by Geronimo Rubio

Beautiful Paisley at Barrow Co. is Waiting For that Special Someone to Love Her

Lets get it together people. This is Geronimo Rubio reposting this to "Save Our Pets"

2010-04-139 Paisley - Beagle, Labrador Retriever Mix
She is a quiet, laid back girl, loves to lick your hand. She is around 1 year old. LAST DAY 04/27/10 Please call before 5:00pm.

2010-04-139 Paisley - Beagle, Labrador Retriever Mix

2010-04-139 Paisley - Beagle, Labrador Retriever Mix

2010-04-139 Paisley - Beagle, Labrador Retriever Mix

Barrow County Animal Control
610 Barrow Park Dr.
Winder, GA 30680
OFFICE 770-307-3012
FAX 770-867-1660

mbeckemeyer@.. ​barrowga.​org

ALL PICS HERE www... ​Barrowpets...​net..
www... ​Petfinder...​com/..​shelters/..​GA261.​html..
www...​MySpace...​com/..​ BarrowBuddies
http:.. ​/..​/..​www...​needfulsouls...​org/..​main/..​categories...​php?.. ​cat_​id=​292

Barrow County is very rescue friendly. Free for GA licensed rescues; out-of-state rescues, please contact the shelter for details. The adoption process does not have to be completed in person. Complete vetting and boarding are available at Four Paws Animal Hospital. Specific adoption Information and hours are below.

**Please refer to ID/Run numbers when inquiring about specific animals if available

Please refer to ID/Run numbers when inquiring about specific animals if available.

The wonderful photos of the animals in need are done by Carla and Gayla of Barrowbuddies. They take time in their busy lives to each week to do this and are a true blessing to the Barrow animals.

Sponsors are welcome for any of the animals. Please email satoashley@..​comcast.​net ( and we will add any sponsorships to the pleas.

Barrow County is very rescue friendly. Free for GA licensed rescues; out-of-state rescues, please contact the shelter for details. The adoption process does not have to be completed in person. Complete vetting and boarding are available at Four Paws Animal Hospital. Specific adoption Information and hours are below.
**Please refer to ID/Run numbers when inquiring about specific animals if available

CATS: The adoption fee for any cat is $100. The fee includes: spay or neuter, physical exam, fecal exam, deworming, rabies vaccine, distemper vaccine, and microchip. For licensed Georgia rescues there is no charge to pull a cat, but no veterinary services come with the cat. Out of state rescues, please contact us for details. *LAST DAY means the date the cat is scheduled for euthanasia. If we have a cat posted whose last day has passed, that cat should be considered extremely urgent. Please call about those cats immediately as they may be subject to euthanasia at any time. We remove postings on available cats when they leave the building or their adoption has been completed. If you are a rescuer who has spoken for a cat or a person with an adoption application on a cat, do not take offense. We have had rescues and adoptions fall through in the past and we work hard to make sure no cat falls through the cracks.

DOGS: The adoption fee for all dogs is $100. The fee includes: Spay or neuter, physical exam, fecal exam, deworming, rabies vaccine, distemper/..​parvo vaccine, and microchip. For licensed Georgia rescues there is no charge to pull a dog, but no veterinary services come with the dog. Out of state rescues, please contact us for details. *LAST DAY means the date the dog is scheduled for euthanasia. If we have a dog posted whose last day has passed, that dog should be considered extremely urgent. Please call immediately about those dogs as they may be subject to euthanasia at any time. We remove postings on available dogs when they leave the building or their adoption has been completed. If you are a rescuer who has spoken for a dog or a person with an application on a dog, do not take offense. We have had rescues and adoptions fall through in the past and we work hard to make sure no dog falls through the cracks.

Want to be added or removed from the mailing list? If you would like to be added directly to the Barrow County weekly list of animals in need + updates, please send an email to satoashley@..​comcast.​net ( Also, if you wish to be removed, simply send an email with 'remove' in the subject line.

Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays – CLOSED to the public (but they can still correspond with people on Wednesdays); other week days – OPEN 8-5. Call ahead before coming out around holidays.

HOW URGENTLY IN NEED ARE THE ANIMALS? Call AND e-mail BEFORE 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. See contact information above. Generally, animals are subject to lethal injection after five (5) days of impoundment. Injections typically occur on Wednesdays, but because the shelter becomes SO FULL at times, they may occur more frequently. Contact NOW! ARE THERE

WHAT ANIMALS ARE AVAILABLE NOW? The following animals are NEW since the last post but may still be “extra urgent” due to their being at the animal control at or beyond their typically allotted five(5)days and/or are owner-..​surrendered.​ Such animals are therefore subject to lethal injection at any time.

The shelter is always in need of kitty litter and other items (towels, cardboard boxes that hold a case of drinks, chewy dog treats, etc.!!! PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN!!!


Pictures were taken and list was compiled by Barrow Buddies volunteers.

PLEASE REPOST! It's one of the cheapest, easiest, and most effective things you can do to help. People can't act if they don't know.


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