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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Save Wolf Mountain Sanctuary - The Petition Site

Save Wolf Mountain Sanctuary - The Petition Site: "Save Wolf Mountain Sanctuary

* signatures: 12,903
* deadline: ongoing
* signature goal: 15,000

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* Target: Dena Smith, Director Land Use Services Department
* Sponsored by:

UPDATE: Success! County authorities listened to the thousands urging them to keep Wolf Mountain Sanctuary open. Thank you to everyone who signed!

Wolf Mountain Sanctuary rescues wolves and fosters them in a sanctuary in Southern California, as well as educating visitors about the plight of this threatened species. However, local officials recently shut down Wolf Mountain Sanctuary and demanded that the sanctuary repermit, a process this nonprofit organization cannot afford.

Even though Wolf Mountain Sanctuary complied with all regulations and held an Exhibitor License since 1987, the County of San Bernardino will not allow the organization to continue its work until it files paperwork to receive a new Exhibitor License. The sanctuary does not have the resources to repeatedly file paperwork and pay the accompanying exorbitant fees. And it shouldn't have to.

The work of Wolf Mountain Sanctuary is too valuable and unique to be abandoned with so little cause. Urge the County of San Bernardino to allow them to continue protecting wolves from extinction

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Save Florida Dolphins From Their Toxic Lagoon!

care2 petitionsite actionAlert

Thanks to your efforts, counties surrounding Florida's Indian River Lagoon initiated a ban on the toxic fertilizers poisoning the lagoon's dolphins. But a new state bill could block the counties' fertilizer regulations.

Florida senators will vote on this bill Monday, February 28. Speak out today! »

This bill would force counties to adopt state-wide fertilizer regulations -- which don't go far enough to save the Indian River Lagoon dolphins.

Help urge Florida senators to vote NO. »

The Indian River Lagoon's dolphins are found diseased and emaciated, with brain lesions and skin-eating fungal infections from the poisons they must swim in.

Don't let Florida state legislature undo our efforts to save these dolphins! Tell Florida senators to vote "no" on this bill and allow counties to set their own fertilizer regulations. »

Hi My Friends,

I just received this from Care2 and wanted to share this with everyone of my friends who care. Thanks in advance from Geronimo Rubio.

Thanks for taking action!


Don't Let Florida Senators Block Efforts to Save the Indian River Lagoon Dolphins!
Take Action!
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tell your Senators to keep wild land protection strong

Last week, the House Majority -- on a virtual straight party-line vote -- passed an extreme bill that terminated funding for dozens of important environmental programs. One example: the bill would block Interior Secretary Salazar’s new policy that restored protection to millions of acres of wilderness -- quality public lands across the West.
If the bill becomes law, we will return to a Bush-era policy of degrading and even destroying America’s wilderness through oil and gas development, off road vehicle abuses, and other forms of development.
Help us stop this runaway train. Urge your Senators to stand firmly for the environment.

This radical legislation if passed in the Senate would:
  • Cut EPA’s budget by 30 percent and cripple the agency’s ability to reduce greenhouse gases that endanger public health and contribute to global warming;
  • Slash the Land and Water Conservation Fund by 87 percent;
  • Eliminate $1.2 billion in science funding needed to move away from fossil fuels towards sustainable, non-polluting sources of energy;
  • Prohibit EPA from enforcing Clean Water Act protections for thousands of American streams and wetlands, and eliminate all funding for the North American Wetlands Conservation Fund;
  • Cut in half funding for cleanup efforts in the Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound, Long Island Sound, Great Lakes and Lake Champlain;
  • Eliminate all funding for the Forest Legacy Program, which restores ecosystems damaged by logging and other forms of development;
  • Cripple Endangered Species recovery efforts.
Meanwhile, the bill leaves untouched $4 billion in annual oil, gas and coal subsidies!
This legislation is reckless and extreme. Please, tell your SENATORS to oppose the House “Continuing Resolution”.
The Continuing Resolution would block Secretary Salazar’s new Wild Lands policy, which directs the Bureau of Land Management to identify wilderness-quality public lands and adopt management plans that protect them, while ensuring public input.
Please, help us ensure that Congress does not silence the new Wild Lands policy or the laws that protect our air, water, and lands from degradation. Tell your Senators that you support Secretary Salazar’s Wild Lands policy, and ask them to reject the assault of the House Majority on land protection and other programs that protect our air, water, and land.
Kathy Kilmer

The budget fight, which could destroy a host of environmental laws and policies, now moves to the Senate. Tell your Senators to oppose the House “continuing resolution” and keep wild land protection strong.

The Wilderness Society
1615 M St, NW, Washington, DC 20036


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